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Alarming Rising Sea Levels, Consequences for Hawaii Coastlines

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HONOLULU, HAWAII — The scientists of the University of Hawaii recently brought to attention alarming findings on sea level rises. The Hawaiian coastline is under direct threat from these rises. Areas that are impacted include Maui, Oahu and Kauai shores. These areas have high population density, making it a serious concern for the future.

Rising sea levels, as well as the projections of the global warming consequences, are assumed to lead to a growing vulnerability to coastal flooding, erosion, and damaged coastal infrastructure. These problems will compound with each other to create a potential disaster for Hawaii. However, knowing these risks, hopefully Hawaiian officials will start to act to prevent worse impacts from happening.

The Ocean and Coastal Management journal has recently mentioned in its recent issue that sea level rise can cause severe episodic flooding and erosion along the coast due to extreme tides.

Hawaii Sea Levels Are Serious Concern

The topic of sea level rise has always been a compelling topic for researchers. Nevertheless, the need for taking urgent steps has become essential. These problems with rising sea levels are going to effect the lives of many islanders. After all, a large part of what makes living in Hawaii special is the ocean access. Many properties are built right up on the shore. These properties may be in danger of simply washing away to sea.

The study initiators initially focused on the island of Onat. However, the latters had to expand their activities to all of Hawaii given the emerging alarms.

As the research lead mentions, the problem refers not only to scientists and researchers but also to policymakers and community members. Only joint efforts can make a difference.

The research will enable to thoroughly monitor and evaluate threats and adaptation efforts, thus completing the efforts of preventing natural cataclysms.

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