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Climate Change Funds: Hawaii to Receive $5 Million

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Hawaii's roads need major upgrades.
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Climate change is impacting the whole world, but in places like Hawaii, its impacts may become dire quickly. The federal government took steps to address that danger this year. As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Hawaii will receive $5 million in funds to combat climate change-related infrastructure damage. The state may get a total of $31 million over the next five years.

Climate change has a major impact on infrastructure all over the world. Because the majority of our infrastructure was built under different climate conditions, it will struggle to keep up with the changing climate. In certain places around the world, roads are already buckling in extreme heat. Those conditions will only get more frequent and severe as time goes on.

The funds will go towards a variety of infrastructure investments. Hawaii has endured serious flooding and landslides in recent years, prompting calls for infrastructure to combat this damage. And due to the massive wildfire currently burning on the Big Island, the state also has to face the prospect of droughts and other heat-related problems in the future.

The climate change funds are sorely needed.

Hawaii’s infrastructure is in dire straits. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave the state a D+ on its most recent infrastructure report card. ASCE noted that Hawaii’s infrastructure is quite old, much of it around 100 years old. It also singled out Hawaii’s water policies as especially bad. From stormwater to drinking water, Hawaii’s infrastructure has a problem with H2O.

Of course, infrastructure improvements in Hawaii will necessarily include road improvements. These road improvements will make driving in Hawaii much more enjoyable and viable. If you want a fun new car to enjoy these road improvements, consider shipping it with Hawaii Auto Transportation. We can pick up cars for you from anywhere in the country and have them on your doorstep in Hawaii within just a few days.

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