HONOLULU, HI – Her name? “Deep Blue.” Divers and scientists believe she is the biggest great white shark on record in the world. And, divers recently experienced a rare sighting of what could have been her in our very own Hawaii waters! OneOcean Diving took an amazing video of the great white, seen off of Oahu.
The last time someone spotted Deep Blue was back in July. That sighting took place south, in Mexico. Reporters believe that the shark in the Hawaii video is indeed Deep Blue, who is just about twenty feet long.
And, according to records… she may be more than fifty years old. For this encounter, divers spotted her feeding off a carcass of a sperm whale. She enjoyed her meal about twenty miles off the southern shore of Oahu.
Throughout the last few years, Deep Blue became so famous in the scientific – and regular – world, that she even has her own Twitter account. You can view photos and videos of Deep Blue there!
The videos demonstrate Deep Blue in a calm state, swimming along divers. And, the divers are even cage-free while encountering her. After viewing her, they also noticed some markings that could possibly indicate pregnancy.
Only time will tell if this is true. Perhaps another Deep Blue will join the ocean waters soon. Maybe even in the Hawaii waters!
Best wishes to this lovely lady ❤